The Q3 2022-2023 Honor Roll is now posted! Congratulations to all the students who made the honor roll in Q3!
Your hard work and dedication to your studies have paid off, and it's truly inspiring to see so many of you achieving such great success. Whether you're a straight-A student or you made significant improvements this semester, know that your efforts have not gone unnoticed.
Your teachers, parents, and peers are all proud of your accomplishments, and you should be too! To those who didn't make the honor roll this time around, don't get discouraged. Keep pushing yourself and striving for excellence, and we have no doubt that you'll achieve great things in the future.
Once again, congratulations to all the honor roll students. You are setting a great example for others to follow, and you should be proud of all that you've accomplished. Keep up the great work!
Good News from the Marshwood Athletic Department
There are two ways to access the most current sports schedules for our kids grades 6-12.
The first way is at
Our link to this is:
Once you reach this site there are dropdowns for all seasons and sports and you can select games or practice schedules. You can also sign up for alerts (e-mail or text message) if you are interested in getting up to date info on changes, cancellation, postponements, etc. for certain sports.
The second way is through our RSU35 website it is linked to our GOOGLE calendar
High School (all the way at bottom of page)
Middle School (also at bottom of page)
Rich Buzzell, C.M.A.A.
Athletic Administrator & PE Health Department Head
2022-23 MIAAA President
Marshwood School District 207-384-4500 x2121
There is a New MSAD 35 Resource for Families.
A family resource page (Hawk Hub) is located here: ( This web page is a dedicated parent website for important resources and general information.
Marshwood Middle School staff and students had a lot of fun with May 4th!
A group of amazing 8th graders attended Choose to Be Healthy's 13th Annual Youth Summit at York High School on April 27th. Our students worked with three other neighboring school districts to discuss topics such as wellness, healthy choices, mattering, and what high school life might be like! We had a fun, positive experience and all of our kids were FANTASTIC!
Good News from the Marshwood School Board
There is a link to School Board Presentations:
Good News from Marshwood Middle School
Maine State Representative Michele Meyer Visits Mr. Rowe's Seventh-Grade Social Studies
On Friday, March 31, Maine State Representative Michele Meyer visited Mr. Rowe's seventh-grade social studies class. Connor O'Brien, a student in class, is working on a bill to make Maine's cars safer on the roads and for the environment, and he wanted to know more about the process so the class invited Representative Meyer to meet with the class. In a meeting that covered many topics, Representative Meyer told the students about the types of bills she looks for, how she decides whether or not to support a bill, exactly how busy her schedule is, what her committee work looks like, and many, many more topics, including how Connor should continue his work. The students were so appreciative of Michele Meyer's time, it was a great day!
Shannon Briggs, from Kids Free to Grow in York County, is trained in the Strengthening Families model. Last month she joined us to present a protective factor work shop for parents. This time Shannon will use an interactive "café" model for parents and other caregivers. The Parent Café helps facilitate discussion and problem solving with prompting questions like, "How do you have fun and how does that impact your parenting?" and "How do you get your child's school to understand your child's needs?" Please join us on April 12th 11:30-1:00 pm from wherever you are!
Register with this link:
Your student’s time at school matters. They make friends, learn valuable lessons, create a life for themselves and make many memories. The MMS yearbook team captures those memories! Reserve your student's copy of the Marshwood Middle School yearbook today.
Good News from our Cafeteria
Here are some students at Marshwood Middle and Eliot Elementary enjoying the most important meal of the day-BREAKFAST.
Celebrating the Music all Around Us
Marshwood’s music educators and their students are hard at work celebrating the music all around us. They’ve created these photos to share with the Marshwood Community and the community at large. The community is invited to join the staff and students in celebrating national Music In Our Schools month.
Shannon Briggs, from Kids Free to Grow in York County, is trained in the Strengthening Families model. Last month she joined us to present a protective factor work shop for parents.
This time Shannon will use an interactive "café" model for parents and other caregivers.
The Parent Café helps facilitate discussion and problem solving with prompting questions like, "How do you have fun and how does that impact your parenting?" and
"How do you get your child's school to understand your child's needs?"
Please join us on March 15th 6:30-7:30 pm in the privacy and comfort of your home!
More Good News from the Marshwood Cafeteria
On Friday, March 3, the Middle School students enjoyed Moroccan Kale Chips at lunch!
Happy March! Ms. Corriveau and Ms. Gilpatrick have been looking forward to brining you our March genre all year... FANTASY!
Fantasy books are set in imaginary, fictional universes. Magical and supernatural elements set the fantasy genre apart from others. Fantasy can include fairy tales, legends, mythology, witchcraft, medieval societies, and super-powered heroes.
Fantasy novels will spark your imagination and take you on trips to magical worlds. Because it’s fantasy, there are no limits. There’s a fantastic universe for every reader. If you’d like to forget the real world, try escaping reality with some fantasy today!
Marshwood Middle School had so much fun celebrating Spirit Week before vacation. Monday was anything but a backpack day, Tuesday students and staff dressed alike for twin day, Wednesday's theme was Western Day, the weather hit just right for Thursday's Summer day and we ended the week with everyone's favorite- Purple and White Day! We all had so much fun!
Breakfast Cart at Marshwood Middle School
Marshwood Middle School now offers a breakfast cart! The cart is located on the 2nd floor by the Art Rooms. Students can get a full breakfast during their morning break, between 9:00 and 10:00 depending on their grade levels. This is in addition to the full offerings in the Cafeteria during the morning break. Students get one free breakfast!
Good News From Marshwood Middle School
Students in Mr. Petrie's 8th Grade Social Studies Classes spent last week planning, designing, building, and playing their own board games. The games are al based on the Great Depression and students were charged with using information and situations from the 1930s and implementing them into board games. Students had to decide upon an objective for winning, create the board and all game pieces as well as write up the rules for each game. Here they are playing each other's games and evaluating them.
each game. Here they are playing each other's games and evaluating them.
Each month the MMS advisories focus on a theme. For February, our theme is kindness. The rest of this month we will be practicing random acts of kindness everyday. Students were given a calendar with kindness ideas. All students will have the opportunity to complete one activity a day and that they should check off the completed activity of the day. On Tuesday 2/28/23, students will turn in their calendars to their advisors after completing and marking off as many random acts of kindness as they have completed.
As part of our celebration of Kindness month we are honoring February 17th, Random Acts of Kindness Day! Here at MMS we will begin celebrating starting TODAY. Officer Mazur started a Kindness Watch list. He challenged the MMS staff to watch out for acts of kindness and to let him know when we see one! Several students were caught being extra kind, helpful and thoughtful, without being asked, and we’d like to they are being recognized this month!
Breakfast at Marshwood Middle School
Free Breakfast is available to all MMS students from 7am-10am. Students may receive breakfast upon arrival to school, during advisory, or during their scheduled morning break.
Snacks are also available for purchase throughout the day.
Karan Pfingst, Director of Dining Services
Marshwood Schools
Eliot and S. Berwick, Maine
C: 603.339.8275
Good News from Marshwood Middle School
Selected Marshwood Middle School Chorus students joined 80 singers from area middle schools to practice and perform in the York County Junior High Music Festival held at Bonny Eagle Middle School on January 27 and 28. From left to right are: Baer Gray, Owen McCormack, Sam Wakefield, Lucia Blanchette, Abbie SanDiego, Hannah Tuttle, and Payton Caswell. Congratulations students!