Great News from Marshwood High School
Marshwood High School H.O.L.D. group Ventures up North
Jeffrey Vinciguerra
On Friday, January 10th the Marshwood High School H.O.L.D. (Hawk Outdoor Leadership Development) group ventured up north to Pinkham Notch for a weekend adventure. The original plan was to hike out to the AMC Carter Notch Hut and stay the night learning about winter overnight wilderness camping experiences. The wind chill hit -30 which is below the threshold the AMC allows for overnight experiences as the bunk houses are without heat of any kind. So the group pivoted and we engaged in a weekend filled with hiking and learning about how to properly pack a bag for winter hiking and what essential equipment is needed.
A focus was on the seven principles of Leave No Trace and the Ten Essentials of proper gear and equipment for outdoor adventure. The group hiked the 19 Mile Brook trail on Saturday and went into Crawford Notch to hike up Mt. Willard on Sunday. Nearly 9 miles of winter hiking was accomplished over the two days. HOLD members on the trip were: Olivia Woods, Ayden Day, Rain Flynn, Max Curry, Nellie Young, Julia Lytle, Owen Lytle, and Eva Hersey. Chaperones were MHS teachers Mrs. Martin and Mr. Vinciguerra as well as two wonderful guides the AMC provided to our group.
The Outdoor Education Program began in 2012 when Marshwood High School Educator, Scott Patch, was awarded a Marshwood Education Foundation grant for HOLD (Hawk Outdoor Leadership Development)