A letter from Superintendent Caverly
October 31, 2023
Members of the Marshwood Community.
It is amazing how time passes so quickly! It feels like only yesterday I was sending out a letter welcoming you to the new school year and now we are suddenly on the doorstep of November.
I want to remind all of you that next week will be somewhat disjointed due to Election Day being so close to the observance of Veterans Day. There will be no school on Tuesday, November 7, 2023 (Election Day). In addition, there will be no school on Friday, November 10, 2023 (Veterans Day).
I also want to share with the Marshwood community the debut edition of our Marshwood HAWKBOARD webpage. As I have shared in prior communications, I want to provide timely and transparent communication to our community. The HAWKBOARD is a District webpage that will provide monthly District highlights, helpful information, and a District overview. The link to the HAWKBOARD is below.
With appreciation,
John Caverly