Central School List of Upcoming Events and Dates
March 7 PTO Book Bingo Night
*Mar. 11-PTO meeting 6:30 pm in Staff Room
*March 12- Author Chris Van Dusen visits Central. The schedule is updated with specific classroom times and locations. - Chris Van Dusen website
*March 14- No school students-
*March 17-21- MaineAG Read Aloud visiting classrooms
*March 19- Spring Picture Day
*March 20 and 27- Conferences
*March 24-28- Planting of the Green Week
*April 8- PTO meeting 6:30 pm in Staff Room
*April 9- First Grade Concert (Snow date April 10th)
*April 18-25- April vacation
*May 5th Second Grade Field Trip
May 5-May 9 - BOGO Book Fair
*May 13th- Kindergarten Concert
*May 13- PTO meeting 6:30 pm in Staff Room
*May 20th- Third Grade Concert
*May 30- HIke Through History (rain date June 2)