Central School List of Upcoming Events and Dates
*Junk2Funk Residency Feb 3-7, 10-12, snow day 13/14
*Feb. 11-PTO meeting 6:30 pm in Staff Room
* Feb 12th- Junk2Funk performance at 2:15
*February 14- Little Red Wagon Play for the school -
(canceled if 2/12 is a snow day.)
*February 27- Art and Literacy Night
Feb. 28th 100 Day of Giving Assembly
*Grade 2 Concert March 4th (snow date 5th)
March 7 PTO Sponsored Open Gym
*Mar. 11-PTO meeting 6:30 pm in Staff Room
*March 20 and 27- Conferences
*First Grade Concert April 9 (Snow date April 10th)
*April 8- PTO meeting 6:30 pm in Staff Room
May 5-May 9 - BOGO Book Fair
*Kindergarten Concert May 13th
*May 13- PTO meeting 6:30 pm in Staff Room
*May 20th- Third Grade Concert
* May 30- HIke Through History (rain date June 2)
June 1 PTO Sponsored Bounce into Summer