Thurston and Peters Sugar House

Diane Hartford from Thurston and Peters Sugar House came to visit the second-grade classes on Monday. Mrs.Hartford is a retired teacher who now spends her days producing maple syrup with her husband. She taught us the definition of a sugar bush, explained the process of maple syrup production, and taught us how the syrup is “graded”. She was even kind enough to bring the students a  sample of syrup and some maple cotton candy to taste.  Did you know that it takes about 40 gallons of sap to yield 1 gallon of syrup?

The Hartfords warmly welcome families to come take a tour of their sugar house. They are located at 299 Bond Spring Road in West Newfield.


OPEN...All Weekends in March and April 1st and 2nd

9 am-4 pm

Our "own" Maple Syrup

Maple Cream, Candy

Maple Soft Serve