A Message from Superintendent Caverly
For a PDF Copy go to

A Reminder from our Cafeterias
Per Maine law, breakfast and lunch are free to all students in all grades.

There is a New MSAD 35 Resource for Families.
A family resource page (Hawk Hub) is located here: (https://sites.google.com/rsu35.org/marshwoodparentpage...) This web page is a dedicated parent website for important resources and general information.

Good News from the Marshwood School Board
There is a link to School Board Presentations: https://www.rsu35.org/page/board-presentations

The App to Use for All Marshwood Information

All Marshwood Students are Eligible for Free
Meals MSAD #35 announces its policy to serve nutritious meals every school day under the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program. Effective August 31, 2022, through June 30, 2023, all students registered and enrolled in Marshwood Schools are eligible for free meals regardless of household income.
Lunch and breakfast are provided for students in K-12 and Pre-K students will be provided with either breakfast or lunch depending on the session they attend (AM/PM). Students that bring cold lunch and order milk, will be charged $.40.

Please visit the School Board Page on Thrillshare for updates and informations

MSAD 35 Transportation announces the ability to send alerts when bus runs are running behind 10 minutes or more through LiveFeed and FaceBook. Make sure you are signed up on the ThrillShare App.

MSAD 35 Marshwood Substitute Teaching Opportunities
Substitute Teachers are paid $112.50 per day.
Substitute Educational Technicians are an hourly rate $15.00 per hour
Administrative Assistants substitutes are an hourly rate $16.20 per hour.
Substitute Nurses are paid $140.00 per day.
Electronic applications are encouraged for any substitute position advertised and can be completed electronically on SchoolSpring (https://www.schoolspring.com/jobs/?employer=10587)
Please contact Therese Letellier. Therese.Letellier@rsu35.org

Inclement Weather Protocol

“Events” link to webpages by school:
MHS https://www.apptegy.net/s/events-mhs-rsu35
MMS https://www.apptegy.net/s/school-calendar-mms
MGWS https://www.apptegy.net/s/events-gws-rsu35
CES https://www.apptegy.net/s/events-cs
EES https://www.apptegy.net/s/events-ees-rsu35